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Like so much of life, loving someone is an art. When all goes well, it can be beautiful and life transforming. On the other hand, it can be very painful and hurtful, and lonely, especially when things are not going well. When we open our hearts to love someone, we risk the feelings of disappointment, hurt and loss. To love someone is to seek the best interest of the beloved. Period. This is precisely what we are signing up for when we open our hearts and our lives and decide to get married. I don’t know what your impression of marriage is, but let me tell you after working with hundreds of couples, in many secular and religious settings, making marriage work well is not for the weaklings, it is for emotionally grown-ups. Moreover, a successful marital house, designed to last a life time, requires a solid foundation. A foundation that is built on deep friendship, fondness and admiration, effective communication, conflict resolution skills, honoring each other dreams, and creating shared meaning.

Some people view pre-marital counseling as a preparation for a wedding. But we view pre-marital counseling as a preparation for a life time of togetherness. A wedding is for a day. A marriage well prepared for can last a life time. The decision to get married is one of the most signficant decisions you would make in your life. Almost fifty percent of marriages end up in divorce. Studies have shown that those who undertake pre-marital counseling before marriage do far better than those who did not.

Our pre-marital workshop covers the following areas:

  • Examining the couples’ strengths and growth areas
  • Resolve conflicts using the six skills develop by John Gottman, PhD
  • Discuss core conflicts and how to deal with unsolvable problems
  • Discuss family of origin issues using a genogram
  • Explore siblings contellation
  • Discuss unresolved family issues
  • Develop a realistic budget and financial plan
  • Develop individual and mutual goals
  • Develop emotional and spiritual growth plan
  • Discuss the value of laughter and play, and rituals of connection

The premarital workshop is held on the last Saturday of every other month from 10am to 5pm. Click here to see our workshops.

Call us now or email us now to sign up for our  pre-marital workshop or for questions. Or you may want to give a premarital workshop as a gift to your family member or friends. It would be a gift they would remember for a long time. 678.291.9029, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Marital workshop is offered bi-monthly for couples who want to take their marriage from good to great. You can really create a marriage of substance that is based on deep friendship, fondness and admiration, and effective communication and conflict management.


  • Do you want to deepen intimacy in your marriage?
  • Are you concerned about getting through to your spouse?
  • Do you feel that your relationship is not growing?
  • Do you want to create a mutually fulfilling Christian marriage?


The above are some of the issues we cover in the marital workshop. Over the years, we have learned from some of the foremost marital experts. We have synthesized the ideas that work and we make them available through our marital workshop. The marital workshop is offered bi-monthly for couples, who desire to take their marriage from good to great. You can really create a marriage of substance that is based on deep friendship, fondness and admiration, effective communication, and conflict management.


Call us now or email us now to sign up for the workshop or to ask questions about the marital workshop. 678.291.9029, info@nhcc.org


Love is a very important part of parenting. However, loving your children/teenager is not enough to help him/her develop into a person of character, with a clear sense of identity, a sense of responsibility, and courage to face life. As a parent:


  • Do you feel that the choices your child/teenager is making are unproductive?
  • Do you feel concerned, exhausted, and unsure about how to help your child/teenager?
  • Do you need some concrete skills to help get through to your child/teenager?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, I invite you to sign up for our parenting workshop.

Children/teenagers today are confronted with myriads of challenges, some of which the previous generations had not had to deal with. In other to make a positive impact on your child/teenager, and be effective in your sacred task of parenting, you need a set of knowledge and skills. This workshop is designed specifically to provide parents with hands on information that would make them less reactive and more effective in their relationship with their children/teenagers.Give yourself and your family a gift, sign up for our parenting workshop..

Call us now or email us now to sign up for this workshop 678.291.9029, infoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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